
(*Corresponding author)

Y. Wang, M. Savalia, X. Zhang*, “A Novel Wet Transfer Technology of Manufacturing Flexible Suspended TwoDimensional Material Devices”, accepted to Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (2023). [Editor’s Pick]

Authors including E. Easy, X. Zhang, “Probing intrinsic magnon bandgap in a layered hybrid perovskite antiferromagnet by a superconducting resonator”, Physical Review Research​ (2023).

F. Ye, Q. Liu, B. Xu*, P. Feng*, X. Zhang*, “Ultra-High Interfacial Thermal Conductance via Double hBN Encapsulation for Efficient Thermal Management of 2D Electronics”, Small (2023). [Featured as Cover Article]

M. Kalantari, X. Zhang*, “Thermal transport in 2D materials”, Nanomaterials, [link] (2022).

S. Mahjoubi, F. Ye, Y. Bao*, W. Meng*, X. Zhang*, “Hierarchical deep convolutional neural network for identifying and classifying exfoliated graphene flakes from microscopy images”, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, [link] ​(2022).

Y. Wang, X. Zhang*, “On the role of crystal defects on the lattice thermal conductivity of monolayer WSe2 (P63/mmc) thermoelectric materials by DFT calculation”, Superlattices and Microstructures, [link] (2021).

E. Easy, Y. Gao, Y. Wang, D. Yan, S. M. Goushehgir, E.H. Yang, B. Xu*, X. Zhang*, “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Layer Dependent Thermal Conductivities and Interfacial Thermal Conductance of 1- to 3-Layer WSe2“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(11), 13063-13071 [link] (2021).

Y. Wang, X. Zhang*, “Thermal laser assisted manufacturing of two dimensional atomic layer heterostructures”, TMS 2021 Conference Proceedings, 25-34, [link] (2021).

C. Xu, B. Wang, E. Sneddon, G. Marcovecchio, G. Ota, K. Hunstein, X. Zhang*, “Measurement of thermal conductivities of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 nano-powders at extreme temperature and strain”, Proceedings of the IMECE 2020, IMECE2020-24572, V011T11A049, [link] (2020).

Y. Wang, Y. Gao, E. Easy, E.H. Yang, B. Xu, X. Zhang*, “Thermal Conductivities and Interfacial Thermal Conductance of 2D WSe2”, 2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular System (NEMS), 575-579 [link] (2020).

D. Mao, C. Cheng, F. Wang, Y. Xiao, T. Li, A. Soman, T. Kananen, X. Zhang, M. Krainak, P. Dong, T. Gu, “Device architectures for low voltage and ultrafast graphene integrated phase modulators”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27 (2), 1-9 [link] (2020).

Y. Xu, X. Zhang*, “Fiber composites made of low-dimensional carbon materials”, book chapter in Fiber Composites, (2020).

X. Zheng, X. Zhang*, “Excitons in two-dimensional materials”, book chapter in Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics – Rudimentary Research to Topical Technology, (2019).

X. Zhang*, “Characterization of layer number of two-dimensional transition metal diselenide semiconducting devices using Si-peak analysis”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 7865698 (2019).

Y. Li, F. Ye, J. Xu, W. Zhang, P. Feng, X. Zhang*, “Gate-tuned temperature in a hexagonal boron nitride-encapsulated 2D semiconductor devices”, IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices, 65 (10), 4068-4072 (2018).

D. Yin, C. Dun, X. Gao, Y. Liu, X. Zhang, D. Carroll, M. Swihart, “Controllable Colloidal Synthesis of Tin(II) Chalcogenide Nanocrystals and Their Solution-Processed Flexible Thermoelectric Thin Films”, Small, 14 (33), 1801949 (2018).

X. Zhang*, “Graphene-electrochemical sensing in food safety and quality analysis”, book chapter in Sensing Techniques for Food Safety and Quality Control, (2017).

A. Vellisa, D. Gritsenko, Y. Lin, Z. Wu, X. Zhang, Y. Pan, W. Xue, J. Xu, “Drastic sensing enhancement using acoustic bubbles for surface-based microfluidic sensors”, Sensors and Actuators B, 243, 298-302 (2017).

S. Wu, L. Wang, Y. Lai, W. Shan, G. Aivazian, X. Zhang, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, D. Xiao, C. Dean, J. Hone, Z. Li, and X. Xu, “Multiple hot-carrier collection in photo-excited graphene Moiré superlattices”, Science Advances, 2 (5), e1600002 (2016).

X. Zhang, D. Sun, Y. Li, G.-H. Lee, X. Cui, D. Chenet, Y. You, T. F. Heinz, J. C. Hone, “Measurement of lateral and interfacial thermal conductivity of single- and bilayer MoS2 and MoSe2 using optothermal Raman technique”, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 7 (46), 25923 (2015).

X. Cui, G.-H. Lee, Y. D. Kim, G. Arefe, P. Y. Huang, C.-H. Lee, D. A. Chenet, X. Zhang, L. Wang, F. Ye, F. Pizzocchero, B. S. Jessen, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. A. Muller, T. Low, P. Kim, J. Hone, “Multi-terminal transport measurements of MoS2 using a van der Waals heterostructure device platform”, Nature Nanotechnology, 10 (6), 534, (2015).

G. Lee, X. Cui, Y. Kim, G. Arefe, X. Zhang, C. Lee, F. Ye, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, P. Kim, and J. Hone, “Highly stable, dual-gated MoS2 transistors encapsulated by hexagonal boron nitride with gate-controllable contact resistance and threshold voltage”, ACS Nano, 9 (7), 7019, (2015).

D. Sun, A. E. Nguyen, D. Barroso, X. Zhang, E. Preciado, S. Bobek, V. Klee, J. Mann, L. Bartels, “Chemical vapor deposition growth of a periodic array of single-layer MoS2 islands via lithographic patterning of an SiO2/Si substrate”, 2D Materials, 2 (4), 045014, (2015).

W. Wu, L. Wang, Y. Li, F. Zhang, L. Lin, S. Niu, D. Chenet, X. Zhang, Y. Hao, T. F. Heinz, J. Hone, Z. L. Wang, “Piezoelectricity of single-atomic-layer MoS2 for energy conversion and piezotronics”, Nature, 514 (7523), 470, (2014).

Y. Li, A. Chernikov, X. Zhang, A. Rigosi, H. M. Hill, A. M. van der Zander, D. A. Chenet, E.-M. Shih, J. Hone, T. F. Heinz, “Measurement of the optical dielectric function of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides: MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2”, Physical Review B, 90 (20), 205422, (2014).

X. Zhang, D. Chenet, B. Kim, J. Yu, J. Tang, C. Nuckolls, J. Hone, “Fabrication of hundreds of field effect transistors on a single carbon nanotube for basic studies and molecular devices”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 31 (6), 06FI01, (2013).

Conference Abstracts and Presentations

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “2D Materials’ Energy Transport Phenomena”, MSE Seminar, Rutgers University, November 2022.​

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “2D flatland: from fundamental science to engineering applications”, Seton Hall University, December 2021.​

X. Zhang*, “Layer dependent thermal transport properties of 2D WSe2”, 21st Thermo Symposium, June 2021.

E. Easy, X. Zhang*, “Thermal conductivities of WSe2 with layer and strain dependence”, Summer Heat Transfer Conference, June 2021.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “2D Thermoelectric Devices”, Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Conference, March 2021.​

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “2D Materials and Thermal Research”, Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Conference, March 2021.​

Y. Wang, X. Zhang*, “Aid of Additive Manufacturing of 2D materials for Miniaturization”, Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Conference, March 2021.​

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “2D flatland: from fundamental science to engineering applications”, Rutgers University, February 2021.​

X. Zhang*, “Layer dependent thermal properties of WSe2”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring/Fall Meeting, November 2020.

X. Zhang*, “Thermal conductivities of 2D MoS2 under mechanical strains”, Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring/Fall Meeting, November 2020.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “Thermal management design of 2D materials”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), November 2020.

C. Xu, B. Wang, E. Sneddon, G. Marcovecchio, G. Ota, K. Hunstein, X. Zhang*, “Measurement of thermal conductivities of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 nano-powders at extreme temperature and strain”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), November 2020.

X. Zhang*, “Energy transport in 2D materials”, Stevens Institute of Technology, November 2020.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “2D Flatland: Energy transport”, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, November 2020.

X. Zhang*, “2D Flatland: From fundamental science to engineering applications”, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, October 2020.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “Thermal properties of two dimensional WSe2”, IEEE-NEMS 2020, September 2020.

Y. Liu, X. Zhang*, “Polarization dependence photoluminescence in flexible two-dimensional MoS2 for lattice deformation characterization”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), March 2020.

X. Zhang*, “Tuning thermoelectric power factor in flexible device made by two-dimensional crystals of MoS2”, Energy Harvesting Society Meeting, Falls Church, VA, September 2019.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “Energy transport/conversion and manufacturing in the world of nano-materials: from fundamental science to engineering applications”, City University of New York, New York, NY, April 2019.

X. Zhang*, F. Ye, P. Feng, “Boron nitride encapsulated structure as efficient heat dissipation for nano-electronics”, 20th Thermal Symposium, Boulder, CO, June 2018.

X. Zhang*, F. Ye, P. Feng, “Boron nitride encapsulated structure as efficient heat dissipation for nano-electronics”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), Los Angeles, CA, March 2018.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “Current and future trend in energy”, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, December 2017.

X. Zhang*, “Thermal conductivity and interfacial thermal conductance of boron nitride encapsulated MoS2”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Tampa, FL, November 2017.

X. Zhang*, “Boron nitride encapsulation structure for highly efficient heat dissipation use”, Cornell CNF 40th Anniversary and Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY, September 2017.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “Nanomaterials and their future trend in healthcare”, Service de physique de l’etat condense (SPEC), CEA Saclay, Paris, France, March 2017.

A. Vellis, D. Gritsenko, Y. Lin, Z. Wu, X. Zhang, Y. Pan, W. Xue and J. Xu, “Acoustic bubbles for microfluidic sensing enhancement”, Microfluidics Congress, Philadelphia, PA, July 2016.

X. Zhang and J. Hone, “Optical determination of MoSe2 layer number”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), Baltimore, MD, March 2016.

S. Wu, L. Wang, Y. Lai, W. Shan, G. Aivazian, X. Zhang, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, D. Xiao, C. Dean, J. Hone, Z. Li, and X. Xu, “Giant photocurrent generation at topological singularities in graphene superlattices”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), Baltimore, MD, March 2016.

(Invited) X. Zhang*, “Fabrication and characterization of hundreds of field effect transistors on a single carbon nanotube for basic studies and molecular devices”, New Jersey Institute of Technology, November 2015.

X. Zhang, D. Sun, Y. Li, G. Lee, X. Cui, Y. You, T. Heinz and J. Hone, “Temperature dependent thermal conductivity of single- and bi-layer MoS2 and MoSe2”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), San Antonio, TX, March 2015.

A. Rigosi, Y. Li, A. Chernikov, X. Zhang, H. Hill, A. Zande, D. Chenet, E. Shih, J. Hone and T. Heinz, “Measurement of the optical dielectric function of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers: MoS2, MoSe2, WS2 and WSe2”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), San Antonio, TX, March 2015.

X. Zhang, D. Sun, Y. Li, G. Lee, Y. You, X. Cui, T. Heinz and J. Hone, “Temperature dependent optical properties and thermal conductivities of single- and few- layer MoS2”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), Denver, CO, March 2014.

X. Zhang, D. Chenet, B. Kim, J. Yu, C. Nuckolls, and J. Hone, “Fabrication of hundreds of field effect transistors on a single carbon nanotube for basic studies and molecular devices”, International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Nashville, TN, May 2013.

X. Zhang, D. Chenet, B. Kim, J. Yu, C. Nuckolls, and J. Hone, “Fabrication of hundreds of field effect transistors on a single carbon nanotube for basic studies and molecular devices”, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS March Meeting), Baltimore, MD, March 2013.

X. Zhang, D. Chenet, B. Kim, J. Yu, C. Nuckolls, and J. Hone, “Fabrication of hundreds of field effect transistors on a single carbon nanotube for basic studies and molecular devices”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), Houston, TX, November 2012.