











Lessons about Protein Folding and Binding from Archetypal Folds, Luis Alberto Campos, Mourad Sadqi & Victor Muñoz (2020) Accounts of Chemical Research.

Downhill (Un) Folding Coupled to Binding as Mechanism for Engineering Broadband Protein Conformational Transducers, Suhani Nagpal, Thinh D.N. Luong, Mourad Sadqi & Victor Muñoz (2020) ACS Synthetic Biology 9,9.

Eukaryotic transcription factors can track and control their target genes using DNA antennas, Milagros Castellanos, Nivin Mothi & Victor Muñoz (2020) Nature Communications 11, 540.


Engineering protein assemblies with allosteric control via monomer fold-switching., Luis A. Campos, Rajendra Sharma, Sara Alvira, Federico M. Ruiz, Beatriz Ibarra-Molero, Mourad Sadqi, Carlos Alfonso, Germán Rivas, Jose M. Sanchez-Ruiz, Antonio Romero Garrido, José M. Valpuesta & Victor Muñoz (2019) Nature Communications 10, 5703.

Ultrafast folding kinetics of WW domains reveal how the amino acid sequence determines the speed limit to protein folding , Malwina Szczepaniak, Manuel Iglesias-Bexiga, Michele Cerminara, Mourad Sadqi, Celia Sanchez de Medina, Jose C Martinez, Irene Luque, Victor Muñoz (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (17) 8137-8142.

Glutton: a tool for generating structural ensembles of partly disordered proteins from chemical shifts , Yi He, Suhani Nagpal, Mourad Sadqi, Eva de Alba, Victor Muñoz (2019) Bioinformatics, 35, 7, 1234–1236.


Reversible two-state folding of the ultrafast protein gpW under mechanical force, Jörg Schönfelder, David De Sancho, Ronen Berkovich, Robert B. Best, Victor Muñoz & Raul Perez-Jimenez (2018) Communications Chemistry 1, 59.

Instrumental effects in the dynamics of an ultrafast folding protein under mechanical force , David De Sancho, Jörg Schönfelder, Robert B. Best, Raul Perez-Jimenez, and Victor Muñoz (2018) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122, 49, 11147–11154.

Protein Folding Cooperativity and Thermodynamic Barriers of the Simplest β-Sheet Fold: A Survey of WW Domains , Manuel Iglesias-Bexiga, Malwina Szczepaniak, Celia Sanchez de Medina, Eva S. Cobos, Raquel Godoy-Ruiz,§ Jose C. Martinez, Victor Muñoz*, and Irene Luque* (2018) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 122, 49, 11058–11071.


Interplay between the folding mechanism and binding modes in folding coupled to binding processes,  R. Sharma, D. De Sancho & V. Muñoz (2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 28512-28516.

Interplay between downhill folding and conformational disorder modulates DNA recognition of DNA binding domains ,  X. Chu and V. Muñoz (2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19(42):28527-28539.


Chapter 12 — Modern Analysis of Protein Folding by Differential Scanning Calorimetry, B Ibarra-Molero, AN Naganathan, JM Sanchez-Ruiz, V Muñoz. (2016) Methods in Enzymology 567, 281-318.

When Fast is Better: Protein Folding Fundamentals and Mechanisms from Ultrafast Approaches, V Muñoz, M Cerminara (2016) Biochemical Journal 473 (17), 2545-2559.

A Simple Two-state Protein Unfolds Mechanically via Multiple Heterogeneous Pathways at Single-molecule Resolution, J Schönfelder, R Perez-Jimenez, V Muñoz (2016) Nature Communications 7:11777.

Limited Cooperativity in Protein Folding, V Muñoz, LA Campos, M Sadqi (2016) Current Opinion in Structural Biology 36, 58-66.


A Method for Extracting the Free Energy Surface and Conformational Dynamics of Fast-Folding Proteins from Single Molecule Photon Trajectories, R Ramanathan, V Muñoz (2015) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (25), 7944-7956.

Interaction Networks in Protein Folding via Atomic-Resolution Experiments and Long-Time-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations, L Sborgi, A Verma, S Piana, K Lindorff-Larsen, M Cerminara, C M Santiveri, D Shaw, E de Alba, V Muñoz (2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (20), 6506-6516.


A Simple Theoretical Model Goes a Long Way in Explaining Complex Behavior in Protein Folding, V Muñoz (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (45), 15863-15864.

Thermodynamics of Downhill Folding: Multi-Probe Analysis of PDD, a Protein that Folds Over a Marginal Free Energy Barrier, AN Naganathan, V Muñoz (2014) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (30), 8982-8994

Impact of Atomistic Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Understanding how Proteins Fold: An Experimentalist’s Perspective. WA Eaton, V Muñoz (2014) Bioinformatics 22.

Probing the Free Energy Landscape of the Fast-Folding gpW Protein by Relaxation Dispersion NMRs, C Sanchez-Medina, A Sekhar, P Vallurupalli, M Cerminara, V Muñoz, …(2014) Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (20), 7444-7451.


Slow Proton Transfer Coupled to Unfolding Explains the Puzzling Results of Single-molecule Experiments on BBL, a Paradigmatic Downhill Folding Protein, M Cerminara, LA Campos, R Ramanathan, V Muñoz, LE Key (2013) PloS One 8 (10), e78044.

Gradual Disordering of the Native State on a Slow Two-State Folding Protein Monitored by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy and NMR, LA Campos, M Sadqi, J Liu, X Wang, DS English, V Muñoz (2013) The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (42), 13120-13131.

Reply to Huang et al.: Slow Proton Exchange can Duplicate the Number of Species Observed in Single-molecule Experiments of Protein Folding, LA Campos, V Muñoz (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (14), E1242-E1243.

Protein Folding at Atomic Resolution: Analysis of Autonomously Folding Supersecondary Structure Motifs by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, L Sborgi, A Verma, M Sadqi, E de Alba, V Muñoz (2013) Protein Supersecondary Structures, 205-218.