Nathan Clark PhD

Nathan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. He received his PhD in Genome Sciences in the lab of Willie Swanson at the University of Washington. His NRSA-funded postdoctoral studies took place at Cornell under the mentorship of Chip Aquadro. He began as an Assistant Professor in 2012 in the Department of Computational and Systems Biology at the University of Pittsburgh. There he received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor and remains a proud Adjunct member of that department. In 2019, the Clark lab moved to the University of Utah as part of an Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics hiring initiative.

In 2023, the lab moved to its current home in Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. The Clark lab conducts evolutionary research at the interface of computational and experimental biology mostly within the themes of adaptive and convergent evolution. Major projects in the lab focus on the regressive evolution of eyesight in subterranean mammals, evolutionary adaptation to hypoxia and oxidative stress as encountered during diving and at high altitude, the evolution of long lifespan, and the creation of novel phylogenetic and comparative genomics methods to infer function from evolutionary patterns.


Allie Graham

Post-doctoral Fellow

Allie received her PhD in 2017 from the University of Miami studying the genomic underpinnings of high-altitude adaptation in Andean ducks; from 2017 – 2020, she was an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PRFB) at Oregon State University, where she investigated the molecular mechanisms associated with hypoxia response in an intertidal copepod species. Her general interests lie in questions related to the genomic consequences of adaptations to “extreme” environmental cues​, and the roles of regulatory elements in facilitating adaptation and population divergence. She is also passionate about scientific outreach and broadening participation! Outside of science, she loves bird-watching, playing RPGs (D&D), video/board games, and reading science fiction.

Emily Kopania

Post-doctoral Fellow

Emily is a postdoc studying the evolution of the retina in fish and the evolution of reproductive traits in murine rodents. She received her Ph.D. in 2022 from the University of Montana, where she studied the molecular evolution of sperm development and hybrid sterility in house mice. She is interested in understanding how developmental constraints and ecological selection pressures shape molecular and trait evolution. Outside of science, she enjoys hiking and playing the flute.  |  X

Courtney Charlesworth

Ph.D. Student

Sarah Lucas

Ph.D. Student

Sarah is a PhD student at the University of Utah. She looks forward to learning more about comparative genomics and the techniques needed to study them. Outside of lab, she enjoys playing board games and rock climbing, among other things.

Jordan Little

Ph.D. Student

Jordan is a PhD student at the University of Utah. She is focusing on using evolutionary tools to find novel genetic and protein interactions. She is also interested in conservation genomics, specifically focusing on climate niche adaptation of squamates. Outside of research she enjoys anything outdoors, college sports, and crochet.

Dwon Jordana

Ph.D. Student

Dwon is a PhD student at the University of Pittsburgh. His current interest is to understand the role of cis-regulatory elements in disease. He also seeks to learn computational techniques to assist him with his research goals. Outside of academia he mainly enjoys biking, hiking, and fishing.

Courtney Charlesworth

Ph.D. Student

Alex Preble

Undergraduate Researcher

Nico Schwartz

Undergraduate Researcher

Krista Olson

Undergraduate Researcher

Justine Denby

Undergraduate Researcher


Raghav Partha
Ph.D. Student

Wynn Meyer
Post-doctoral Associate

Melissa Plakke
Ph.D. Student

Camille Meslin
Post-doctoral Associate

Zelia Ferreira
Post-doctoral Associate

Jennifer Walker
Lab Manager

Jerrica Jamison

Brandon Small

Jianxuan Yang
Visiting Scholar

Luisa Cusick

Amanda Kowalczyk
Ph.D. Student

Jaret Lieberth
Lab Technician

Elysia Saputra
Ph.D. Student