
Best practices for Sustainable Community Partnerships:

Adapted from “Protecting Little Sebago:A Model College-Lake Association Sustainable Partnership” by Kimberly Post and Emily Lesher.  Sustainability and Climate Change. Vol. 15, No. 2, April 2022, DOI: 10.1089/scc.2022.0012

CBL is a collaboration between students, faculty, and community. The processes and outcomes must be equitable and reciprocal.  Thus, in all aspects of project planning all perspectives and needs should be considered.

Kimberly Post, Director of Community Engaged Learning at Saint Joseph’s College, developed a series of best practices for successful collaborations between colleges and communities based on multiple projects and faculty members experiences at Saint Joseph’s College, its dedicated pedagogically centered CBL/R program, an assessment of a the CFTC Analytical Chemistry CBL project in 2021, and feedback from the community partner in that project.

Best Practice 1: Outline goals and strategies together.

Best Practice 2: Share power as equitably as possible.

Best Practice 3: Be clear, deliberate, and respectful in all communications

Best Practice 4: Be flexible and accepting of different organizational perspectives.

Best Practice 5: Remember that the community always comes first.

Best Practice 6: Develop and share a mutual long-term perspective.