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  1. Burte, B. J. Page, A. Nair, L.C. Grabow, P.J. Dauenhauer, S. Scott, O. A. Abdelrahman, CatTestHub: A Benchmarking Database of Experimental Heterogeneous Catalysis for Evaluating Advanced Materials, Chemrxiv, 2024, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-q0q70
  1. Chen, J. Gulbinski, S. Jain, T. Tabassum, C. Lee, M. Dorneles de Mello, N. Marcella, P. Northrup, A. Frenkel, A. Boscoboinik, S. Han, S. Scott, M. Tsapatsis, W. Fan, O. A. Abdelrahman, The Dynamic Catalytic Activity of Phosphorus-containing Catalysts, Chemrxiv, 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-g8cb5-v2
  1. Lawal, O. A. Abdelrahman, Unravelling Irreversible Adsorbate Thermodynamics through Adsorption Assisted Desorption, Langmuir, 2024, 40, 6118-6128, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03095
  1. Lawal, O. A. Abdelrahman, Paired Site Characterization in Aluminosilicate Zeolites through Limited Alkylammonium Stability, J. Phys. Chem. C., 2023, 42, 20857-20869, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c04684
  1. A. Abdelrahman and P. J. Dauenhauer, Energy Flows in Static and Programmable Catalysts, ACS Energy Lett., 2023, 5, 2292-2299, DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00522
  1. Villariny-Rosado, O. A. Abdelrahman, A dynamic window of opportunity for accelerated electrochemistry, Chem Catal., 2022, 2, 12, 3273-3274, DOI: 10.1016/j.checat.2022.11.020
  1. M. Onn, S. R. Gathmann, S. Guo, S. S. Solanki, A. Walton, B. J. Page, G. Rojas, M. Neurock, L. C. Grabow, K. A. Mkhoyan, O. A. Abdelrahman, C. D. Frisbie, and P. J. Dauenhauer, Platinum Graphene Catalytic Condenser for Millisecond Programmable Metal Surfaces, JACS, 2022,144, 48, 22113-22127. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c09481
  1. M. Fan, Y. Ji, S. Batchu, A. Lawal, O. A. Abdelrahman, R.J. Gorte, J.M. Vohs, Site and Structural Requirements for the Dehydra-Decyclization of Cyclic Ethers on ZrO2, Catalysts, 2022, 12, 8, 902. DOI:  10.3390/catal12080902
  1. Ji, S. Batchu, A. Lawal, D. G. Vlachos, S. Caratzoulas, R.J. Gorte, O. A. Abdelrahman, Selective Dehydra-decyclization of Cyclic Ethers to Conjugated Dienes over Zirconia, J. Catal., 2022,410, 10-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2022.03.023
  1. M. Onn, S. R. Gathmann, Y. Wang, R. Patel, S. Guo, H. Chen, J. K. Soeherman, P. Christopher, G. Rojas, K. A. Mkhoyan, M. Neurock, O. A. Abdelrahman, C. D. Frisbie, and P. J. Dauenhauer, Alumina Graphene Catalytic Condenser for Programmable Solid Acids, JACS Au, 2022, 2, 5, 1123-1133. DOI: 10.1021/jacsau.2c00114
  1. Fu, S. Liu, W. Zheng, R. Huang, C. Wang, A. Lawal, K. Alexopoulos, S. Liu, Y. Wang, K. Yu, J. A. Boscoboinik, Y. Liu, X. Liu, A. I. Frenkel, O. A. Abdelrahman, R. J. Gorte, S. Caratzoulas, D. G. Vlachos, Modulating the dynamics of Brønsted acid sites on PtWOx inverse catalyst, Nature Catal., 2022, 5, 144-153. DOI: 10.1038/s41929-022-00745-y
  1. Kumar, L. Ren, Y. Pang, X. Li, H. Chen, P.J. Dauenhauer, M. Tsapatsis, O. A. Abdelrahman, Acid Sites of Phosphorus-Modified Zeosils, ACS Catal., 2021,11, 6416-6430. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c01588
  1. Chen, O. A. Abdelrahman, Cooperative Adsorption: Solvating the Hofmann Elimination of Alkylamines, ACS Catal., 2021,11, 6416-6430. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.1c01364
  1. Gulbinski, L. Ren, V. Vattipalli, H. Chen, J. Delaney, P. Bai, P. J. Dauenhauer, M. Tsapatsis, O. A. Abdelrahman, W. Fan, Role of Silica Support in Phosphoric Acid Catalyzed Production of p-Xylene from 2,5-Dimethylfuran and Ethylene, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2020, 59, 22049−22056. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c04493
  1. Shetty, M. A. Ardagh, Y. Pang, O. A. Abdelrahman, P. J. Dauenhauer, Electric-Field-Assisted Modulation of Surface Thermochemistry, ACS Catal., 2020, 10, 12867–12880. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c02124
  1. Dynamic Control of Elementary Step Energetics via Pulsed Illumination Enhances Photocatalysis on Metal Nanoparticles, J. Qi, J. Resasco, H. Robatjazi, I.B. Alvarez, O.A. Abdelrahman, P.J. Daunehauer and P. Christopher ACS. Energy Lett., 2020
  1. The Catalytic Mechanics of Dynamic Surfaces: Stimulating Methods for Promoting Catalytic Resonance, M. Shetty, A. Walton, S.R. Gathmann, M.A. Ardagh, J. Gopeesingh, J. Resasco, T. Birol, Q. Zhang, M. Tsapatsis, D.G. Vlachos, P. Christopher, C.D. Frisbie, O.A. Abdelrahman and P.J. Daunehauer ACS. Catal., 2020
  1. Electric-Field-Assisted Modulation of Surface Thermochemistry, M. Shetty, M.A. Ardagh, Y. Pang, O.A. Abdelrahman and P.J. Daunehauer ACS. Catal., 2020
  1. Dehydra-decyclization of Tetrahydrofurans to Diene Monomers over Metal Oxides, Y. Ji, A. Lawal, A. Nyholm, R.J. Gorte  and  O.A. Abdelrahman Catal. Sci. Tech., 2020
  1. Resonance-Promoted Formic Acid Oxidation via Dynamic Electrocatalytic Modulation, J.Gopeesingh​, M.A. Ardagh, ​M. Shetty, S. Burke, P.J. Dauenhauer​, O.A. Abdelrahman ACS. Catal., 2020
  1. Resonance-Promoted Formic Acid Oxidation via Dynamic Electrocatalytic Modulation, J.Gopeesingh​, M.A. Ardagh, ​M. Shetty, S. Burke, P.J. Dauenhauer​, O.A. Abdelrahman ACS. Catal., 2020
  1. Catalytic Resonance Theory: Parallel Reaction Pathway Control, M. A. Ardagh, M. Shetty, A. Kuznetsov, Q. Zhang, P. Christopher, D. G. Vlachos, O. A. Abdelrahman, P. J. Dauenhauer, Chem. Sci., 2020
  1. Dehydra-Decyclization of Tetrahydrofuran on H-ZSM5: Mechanisms, Pathways, and Transition State Entropy, S. Li, O. A. Abdelrahman, G. Kumar, M. Tsapatsis, D.G. Vlachos, S. Caratzoulas, P.J. Dauenhauer, ACS Catal.,2019
  1. Microkinetic Analysis of Acetone Hydrogenation Over Pt/SiO2, X. Gao, A. Heyden, O. A. Abdelrahman, J. Q. Bond, J. Catal., 2019, 374, 183-198
  1. Principles of Dynamic Heterogeneous Catalysis: Surface Resonance and Turnover Frequency Response, M. A. Ardagh, O. A. Abdelrahman, P.J. Dauenhauer, ACS Catal., 2019
  1. A Quantitative Study of the Structure–Activity Relationship in Hierarchical Zeolites Using Liquid‐phase Reactions, D. Xu, O. A. Abdelrahman, S.H. Ahn, Y. Guefrachi, A. Kuznetsov, L.Ren, S. Hwang, M. Khaleel, S. Al Hassan, D. Liu, S. Bong Hong, P.J. Dauenhauer, M. Tsapatsis, AIChE Journal, 2019
  1. Catalytic Resonance Theory: superVolcanoes, Catalytic Molecular Pumps, and Oscillatory Steady State, M.A. Ardagh, T. Birol, Q. Zhang, O.A. Abdelrahman,  P.J. Dauenhauer, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2019
  1. On the Entropy of Adsorbed Molecules in Confined Spaces, P.J. Dauenhauer and O.A. Abdelrahman, ACS Cent. Sci., 2018
  1. Multi-Functional Cascade Catalysis of Itaconic Acid Hydrodeoxygenation to 3-Methyl-Tetrahydrofuran, D. Sung Park, O.A. Abdelrahman, K.P. Vinter, P. Howe, J.Q. Bond, T.M. Reineke, K. Zhang, P.J. Dauenhauer, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2018
  1. Simple Quantification of Zeolite Acid Site Density by Reactive Gas Chromatography, O.A. Abdelrahman, K. P. Vinter, L. Ren, D. Xu, R. J. Gorte, M. Tsapatsis and P. J. Dauenhauer, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017
  1. Biomass-Derived Butadiene by Dehydra-Decyclization of Tetrahydrofuran, O. A. Abdelrahman, D. S. Park, K. P. Vinter, C. S. Spanjers, L. Ren, H. J. Cho, D. G. Vlachos, W. Fan, M. Tsapatsis and P. J. Dauenhauer, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2017
  1. Renewable Isoprene by Sequential Hydrogenation of Itaconic Acid and Dehydra-Decyclization of 3-Methyl-Tetrahydrofuran, O. A. Abdelrahman, D. S. Park, K. P. Vinter, C. S. Spanjers, L. Ren, H. J. Cho, K. Zhang, W. Fan, M. Tsapatsis and P. J. Dauenhauer, ACS Catal., 2017
  1. Microkinetic analysis of C3 – C5 ketone hydrogenation over supported Ru catalysts, O. A. Abdelrahman, A. Heyden and J. Q. Bond, J. Catal., 2017
  1. An examination of the intrinsic activity and stability of various solid acids during the catalytic decarboxylation of γ-Valerolactone, A.B. Kellicutt, R.  Salary, O.A. Abdelrahman and J.Q. Bond, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2014